Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My brain feels like it's about to explode. Not sure why. I would say it's due to lack of sleep, but, well, I went to bed at ten last night and awoke at six thirty this morning. That's...eight and a half hours of sleep. More than enough to make a person chipper and happy as a freaking clam the next day. Or so it would seem.

Instead, I stand here in the library, not sit, stand, and listen to stupid people approach the information desk. "Um, I'm looking for a book." ...Really now...I don't think they have any of those here. Maybe if you look in a building that wasn't made specifically for that purpose, you'll have better luck.

It ticks me off when people in my supposed Social Advocacy classes say things about people with disabilities that are completely out of line and stupid. For example.

"Do you think any of the students who are coming into our class will talk in front of a crowd, Nick?"

"Well, they all, like, talk. Cuz, you know, they're all, like, higher."

Higher. I don't think she was talking about their functional level, genius, I think she was talking about how shy they will be.


Monday, April 13, 2009

New category.

As I'm sure my readers have realized, I'm easily annoyed. And I've decided our blog needs a new category to describe some of these annoyances, but the proposed title is too long to fit in the little box gracefully, so I am posting it here so people know what the acronym means.

Ridiculous Shit That Offends My Delicate Sensibilities

-grammar/punctuation errors
-general ignorance
-people who feel as though your preferences in fashion/music/religion/politics needs "saving" or "fixing"

And there you have it.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Awkwardness is a social construct.

I'm making a declaration.
I hereby abolish the word "awkward."
Because it's abused and overused.

Example: I was showering here at school when I heard two girls come in to use the bathroom. Apparently, one of them was a first-time visitor to our fine institution, and had never seen our toilet paper dispensers, which are not in rolls, but are in stupid little rectangular sheets of which you have to use like 57 for any real efficacy. This girl said, "Wow, these toilet paper dispensers are awkward!"

Um. Sorry. This may seem dense, but...what capacity does a toilet paper dispenser have to be awkward?!
TOILET PAPER DISPENSER: Hey baby, you've got a nice...um...never mind...
GIRL: What?!
TPD: I'm sorry. Wow, that was...really out of line. Have 36 more sheets.
No. Inanimate objects ≠ awkward.

I myself am guilty of "awkward" abuse, and I resolve to only use the word "awkward" to describe situations that are legitimately so.
Most situations to which this word is ascribed are merely silly or uncomfortable. In fact, awkwardness in itself is a social construct. Nothing's ever really awkward until someone points it out, is it?

Exphairiment. Day Whatever.

I keep forgetting to do my exphairiment! D'oh! But I remembered this morning (and by morning, I mean 12:45pm because I slept in since I could not sleep last night. For the record, 4:50am is NOT an okay bedtime).
Mother Nature's choice of precipitation today (snow? rain? snain?!) did not make my hair sexy. :( Rather flat, v. sad. But it is not as frizzy as expected!