Okay. So. I watched Pete Wentz' new "video" show,
FNMTV, which premiered last week. Much like communism, it's good in theory, cruddy in practice.
The live performances (Panic at the Sexy---I mean, Disco---and Snoop Dogg) were pretty good, but I felt misled by the "video" part. I mean, the whole hyped-up promotion said, "MTV is gonna show more videos!" And what does Pete Wentz do? He shows like 4 videos the whole damn hour. And then he shows 10-second clips of Michael Jackson and the Cure. *Yawn.* If these videos "made you who you are" or whatever, then show the whole damn thing!
Pete wasn't a bad host. He had a good connection with the crowd and he's not too hard to look at, but he's so....white. And short. Of all his guests only the Ting Tings weren't taller than him. (But they're English. Less sun means stunted growth, yes/no?) It
was pretty amusing watching him try to do some ghetto-type gesturing while Flo Rida stood there smiling like, "Lookit the cute li'l white boy, subconsciously highlighting the fact that I am nearly a foot taller than he is." And why did Pete have to yell everything he said? He had a microphone!
Oh, and he had the Pussycat Dolls on there. Do not even get me started on the freakin' Pussycat Dolls. Yes, let's make all women look like skanks! And let's drool on them too! Yum-yum. At least Flo Rida had a pretty catchy new video/song and a thing about growing up in Miami...which I...didn't watch. Oops. I'm sure it was good, though. Also, the nursery rhyme about the Ting Tings was really cute.
I see that what they are trying to do is give MTV'ers more voice about the videos and crap, but I really could have done without the sorry excuse for a panel discussion. Travis McCoy acted totally strung out and really had nothing more significant to say than "the Pussycat Dolls are hot *Drooly-McDroolerson*" and the one British dude on the end was really obnoxious. I'm still trying to figure out what the purpose of the middle dude with the computer was. Pretty sad stuff.
I was awfully disappointed with the whole program. It left me wanting more, but not in the good sense of the term. More like, "...That's
it??" But be careful what you wish for, because now MTV shows like, 5 videos an hour (when there aren't
Made reruns--*gag*), complete with video commentary from viewers like you! Now you can dance like PCD or critique the tightness factor of Panic at the Disco's pants. More videos, and more crap too. I really wish they'd do it like VH1 does...a few hours of uninterrupted videos in the morning, no whining bloggers (*cough
hypocrite!cough*), no dancing losers, no slurring commentary from sad rappers. Boo, MTV and Pete Wentz, boo.
...but I'll watch tomorrow's episode 'cause Duffy and Lil Wayne are gonna be there.