Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ugh. Really?

People are so dim sometimes. I was reading an old Dan Savage column and I put up a line from one of his responses as an away message:
"Confidential to Shelly: No, you're not crazy, and yes, your boyfriend loves you."
But, I decided it'd be funnier if I put "%n" in place of "Shelly." On AIM, this has the effect of inserting the screen name of whoever's reading the away message. Apparently I am on some random people's buddy lists, and things got crazy...
ME: who is this?
RANDOM GIRL #1: your away message has my sn in it... who is this? I just noticed you on my buddy list and my name in your away creeped me out
ME: oh it's not you, when you put %n in an away message it automatically puts the sn of the person who's reading it in there
RANDOM GIRL #1: haha sorry
RANDOM GIRL #1: i was just a bit confused. sorry about that
RANDOM GIRL #1: have a good one
ME: that's okay, you too
RANDOM GIRL #2: who is this
ME: this is Ashley...
ME: is this about my away message? because someone else IM'd me's not necessarily your sn. when you put %n in an away message then whoever reads it sees their sn in place of it
RANDOM GIRL #2: haha kk
ME: haha no prob...are you in Soulie's hallway?
RANDOM GIRL #2: no i'm in my room
ME: oh I meant do you live in her hallway? because the first paranoid girl did :)
RANDOM GIRL #2: who is this
ME: this is Ashley, I'm a freshman
RANDOM GIRL #2: haha no i dk you or how i got this name
ME: yeah Idk either!
ME: sorry :(
RANDOM GIRL #2: that's fine
Seriously? People are so paranoid. I'm the one who should be paranoid! How did they get my screen name?! Also, they acted like I was the one doing something wrong when they were the creepers who had some random innocent (*cough*) freshman on their buddy lists. Augh. Some days I just don't know how people can fit such massive amounts of stupid into their heads.

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